Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm, a nearby farm, attended the Sheep Dog Trials and Farm Festival both Saturday and Sunday.
She is a local author, blogger, homesteader, and has raised her own border collie, Gibson. For several years, she has visited Merck Forest and attended the annual Sheep Dog Trials.
When I saw Jenna on Saturday, she was sitting under the viewing tent in the late morning. Her collie, Gibson, sitting by her side. Though he wasn’t contending in the trials, he seemed to have that always intense stare that comes with the breed. They know they are supposed to be herding those sheep. They always seem to be calculating the best move.
Jenna returned on Sunday as well. She was asked to help keep scores during the day.
Patty snapped a picture of the cartoon collie Jenna drew while keeping scores. A good chuckle, indeed.

I have a whole pile of these drawings for some future use Melissa